About Us
Welcome! This is our site for the Frogtown Association of Businesses.
The association provides a unified voice for the local business community in one of LA’s most vibrant and dynamic neighborhoods. We seek to support businesses through networking and promotion, advocacy with local government, job training and local hiring, and community relations. Among other benefits, members will take part in regular social events and appear in our online directory.
FtAB embraces the unique aspects of the community – its proximity to the LA River, with the challenges and opportunities that it presents, and its history as a haven for artists and the creative community. As the area undergoes inevitable changes through growth and development, FtAB will seek to balance the old with the new, and ensure that there is always a place for small businesses and the arts to survive and thrive.
Learn more about member benefits here.
Visibility. Networking. Choice.
Join us to be apart of an organization that the promotes and supports local businesses – and the betterment of our community. When you become a member of the association you get:
Regular Members Mixer – bring a guest!
New business welcome event – Annual
Discounts from fellow members
Listing in FtAB printed directory
“Made in Frogtown” logo for promotional purposes
Resource sharing
Coordinated training events
Civic and community support activities and events
Exclusive invitations to local business events and promotions
FtAB intends to be a hub for communications to and from government agencies.
A small business is an amazing way to serve and leave an impact on the world you live in